Thursday, November 22, 2007

When you think you know everything....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

While browsing AdAge on my long thanksgiving break at home I found an article posted by Carol Philips, a marketing professor at the University of Notre Dame and founder for brand strategy consulting firm, Brrand Amplitude. The article was titled, "Millennials: Clued in or Clueless?", and I figured my professor, Kim Gregson, and the other student in my Audience Research class would find this very interesting.

Philips has a lot of insight into the minds of the Millennials, the term she uses to describe the college student of today, a very important market right now, and "will become even more improtant as they graduate, start jobs, marry and establish households." She says that many of the students in her classes did not realize, they might seem clued into the media-saturated environment they live in but are tuned out to the ingenious ways marketers influence them.

Check out Carol Philips "Top 10 Things College Students Don't Know About Marketing"

Some of Philips' top 10 I don't agree with. Number 4 is "Facebook is an advertising supported, commercial service". In our class we have discussed the commercialization of Facebook and the numerous ways of promotion that can be done through the network. Some of us college students are actually in on these things she mentions. Yea! The tone of the article I actually found a bit condisending. Yes we might say that we get our news from the Daily Show, but we're also browsing while we kill time between classes.

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