Friday, November 23, 2007

It's a Small World After All

With all the advancements in technology these days, advertisers try to stay on top of it all while attempting to stay ahead of the curve. Ever since the invention of the internet and the boom of cellular dievices and features has opened up so many media for advertisers to utilize in their campaigns.
An article in MediaWeek describes the way new developments in technology are happening all over the world, but that "advertising innovation isn't always keeping up with technology."
In Bangkok's Skytrain public transport system, similar to many public transit systems in the US, commuters are bombarded by flashy images on video billdoards, most much larger than typical US movie theater screens. In South Korea, their cellular phone and satellite technology is so advanced that mobile phone users can be underground in a shopping mall and still view about 30 TV channels on their mobile handsets. Verizon, in the United States, is beginnging to make similar advancements in their VCAST mobile television serivce. Technology is advancing so quickly that countries think they're more advanced but don't realize how fast a good idea radiates throughout the world.

The world IS becoming smaller.

In the article Javier Rodríguez Zapatero, Yahoo's vp of sales for Europe, predicts that in Europe mobile advertising will be huge in a few years. Advertisers need to take clues from the guys in Asia. One of Japan's main mobile carriers places wallpaper ads on the handset homepages, reaching 10 million subscribers each day. Solutions like these are picked up by people all over the world and used in different places. It won't be long before Europe picks up on the mobil advertising being done, creating the boost predicted.

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